Thursday, April 15, 2010

Keeping up with my beat

I find it really hard keeping up with all the activities and events that occur in my beat. Its really hard deciding which event I can cover. Sometimes, I get frustrated because my academic schedule and my extra-curricular activities prohibit me from covering somethings. To be an effective journalist, you really have to learn and master time management. Plus, no one wants to hear about news that is old and not important to their everyday life.

I have made a lot of good and strong relationships with people in my ward. I feel as though it was very challenging for me to mix and mingle with professionals and "real" adults. But at the same time it gave me a chance to venture outside of my surroundings, my comfort zone. As students we only allow ourselves to venture so far outside this perimeter, Georgia Ave and 7th street.

I really appreciated the experience of attending the ANC meetings. It made me feel as though I was a member of their community and that my concerns and opinions would be addressed if I ever felt like there needed to be some improvements in the area.

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