Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reflection of State of the Union

President Obama’s first State of the Union address advised Congress to minimize the influence of special interests and for them to work together to confront the nation’s most pressing issues.

In his attempt to convince an agitated nation that his cure for the still-ailing economy was straight-forward, more jobs, better jobs or even jobs period. Until those materialize, he will continue to release a series of proposals aimed at giving financial aid in the form of increased tax credits for child care, retirement accounts, and help for children who care for aging parents, and relief for people weighed down by student loan debt.

He bragged by stating in his first State of the Union address that his economic program has cut taxes for 95 percent of the working families, after announcing that Democrats leaped out of their seats to cheer, In disgust, Republicans who were present sat quietly. President Obama paused as he glanced over to where the Republicans were sitting and said “I thought I’d get some applause on that one.” President Obama tried to recapture the magic of his yes we can campaign after a season of no we can’t governing but wasn’t too successful with the previous commodore.

His main message was “I don’t quit.” He pleaded for patience and understanding from the American people. And he then followed up by reminding the people, “ I campaigned on the promise of change; ‘change we can believe in,” said President Obama.

LaPorcia Wagner, a local resident in the Shaw neighborhood politely gave her opinion on President Obama’s role in the previous year. “I think President Barack Obama did a great job. But I suggest that he should listen to what the people want a lot more, but unlike previous Presidents, he was placed in office when our country was in trillions of dollars worth of debt. President Bush contributed to this debt as well and he failed to inform the American people right away. We as citizens need to be more patient with this crisis because it can’t be fixed over night.

By the end of his first year in office, the 44th administration had expected to have overhauled the health care system, enacted a market-based cap on carbon emissions blamed for climate change, imposed a new regulatory system on financial institutions, closed the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, etc. None of those have happened, while some of the proposals quite plausibly still could. Some of the initiatives are in progress, some have stalled and others have barely begun.

“His State of the Union address gave him the opportunity to establish his priorities for 2010, offer insights into whether he will implement a fight or flight approach in dealing with his adversaries, and, overall, offer an opportunity to lift himself out of a political gutter, said Jeffery Gilbert, a local resident.

President Obama made it clear that he was willing to participate more with the Republican party and that his party should do the same. There needs to be some type of unity between both parties, especially on Capitol Hill.

“I would also like to add that some people have been constantly complaining about President Obama borrowing money from China and then sending it to the victims in Haiti was a huge mistake, but I always say ‘what if the shoe was on the other foot what would you want the U.S to do for your country’,” said Wagner.

Health care was a major topic that was addressed during President Obama’s speech. When he talked about health care he referenced a Willy Loman-esque soliloquy on his year long effort, as if his bill’s underlying benefits and all his hard work goes unappreciated. When he mentioned the economy he offered a spirited defense of the stimulus plan. But he couldn’t stray away from talking about more bankers baiting, and he gladly promised that he’s determined to see tax rates rise for millions of Americans next year as soon as the Bush rates begin to expire.

Elizabeth Blackmon, a local resident says that President Obama is doing all that he can with this country. He has been given a large task to accomplish and he is working night and day to help this economy. “I think that he is trying as hard as he can. He is only human; people tend to forget that,” said Blackmon.

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